Miss Kitty, is a female calico Maine Coon. She is 3 years old. Her owner had to go to memory care, her owner also named her Miss Kitty. Now Miss Kitty needs a new home (and maybe a new name) with someone who can cherish her as much as she is accustomed too. Miss Kitty is spayed, microchipped and a trip to the veterinarian pronounced her healthy. Her vaccinations have been updated, including rabies and she was already combo tested negative. She uses a scratching pad for her nails, her cat tree comes with her along with toys. She will need an x large litter box. Miss Kitty has only been inside or on an enclosed patio so an indoor only home. Please email [email protected] for an application or more information or to set up a meeting.
Tejas Rescued Pet Adoptions. PO Box 790372. San Antonio, TX 78279. [email protected] (210) 416-3947