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Aioli, Hamster For Adoption In Faribault, Minnesota
Aioli is a male hybrid dwarf hamster who was born at the beginning of January 2025. He is taming down nicely with time and attention from his foster. Like many dwarf hamsters, he can be a bit nippy but we are teaching him that hands are not food. He loves spring mix, millet, and other treats. He als...
Faribault in Minnesota (United States)
George, Hamster For Adoption In Faribault, Minnesota
George is an adorable male roborovski hamster who was 8 months old upon intake in January. He is a typical robo: He loves his sand bath, he loves running on his wheel, and he does not love being held. He is brave enough to come out while you are in the room and let you see just how cute he is. He wi...
Faribault in Minnesota (United States)
Remoulade, Hamster For Adoption In Faribault, Minnesota
Remoulade is a female hybrid dwarf hamster who was born at the beginning of January 2025. She is adorable and taming down nicely. Like many dwarf hamsters she can be a bit nippy, but we are working hard to teach her that hands are not snacks! Speaking of snacks... She loves spring mix! She also love...
Faribault in Minnesota (United States)
Doctor Sweetness, Hamster For Adoption In Imperial Beach, California
Meet another one of our superstars! This long haired Syrian hamster was named Doctor Sweetness because that's just what he is! He is absolutely wonderful and the sweetest boy! We don't know how old he is as he was brought a high kill LA shelter and then found Wee Companions as his tempo...
Imperial Beach in California (United States)
Goodfella, Hamster For Adoption In Imperial Beach, California
Where do we start with this boy? Oh... he is a delightful hamster! Goodfella is a long haired super relaxed Syrian hamster boy with an unknown date of birth. He was brought to a high kill shelter in Los Angeles and came to us right away. He loves his spacious enclosure, large wheel, and all the yumm...
Imperial Beach in California (United States)
Wiggles, Hamster For Adoption In Monrovia, Maryland
Wiggles is a 1 year old intact female Syrian hamster. Habits: Enjoys running on her wheel and playing in tunnels. Loves fresh veggies like cucumber, carrot, and apple slices (in moderation!) Prefers to be handled gently, and would thrive in a home with an experienced hamster owner ...
Monrovia in Maryland (United States)
Kiwi, Hamster For Adoption In Lewisville, Texas
If you are interested in adopting please visit our website at www.theguineapigrescue.com and complete the on-line adoption application.The adoption donation is $10.All adoptions are done in person at the rescue, and we do not ship. Thank you for considering adopting from Texas Rustlers Guinea Pig Re...
Lewisville in Texas (United States)
Garlic, Hamster For Adoption In Imperial Beach, California
Garlic is a gorgeous Syrian hamster boy looking for a forever home. He was very loved where he was before. He is just a baby since he was born on 07/11/2024. His former owner said he really loves to dig. He is white with cream spots. If you are interested in adopting this gorgeous boy, please g...
Imperial Beach in California (United States)
Munchkin, Hamster For Adoption In Paramus, New Jersey
Munchkin is an adorable Syrian hamster who is always busy rearranging her cage, running on her wheel and looking for treats. She will need a big enclosure to give her lots of space for roaming and lots of bedding for borrowing. She loves her 12" wheel and definitely gets her daily steps in. Reach ou...
Paramus in New Jersey (United States)
Benito, Hamster For Adoption In Tucson, Arizona
Benito has the typical hamster's life story. Born in a rodent mill along with hundreds of others he was packed up into a container and shipped to PetSmart probably shortly after being weaned at 3- 4 weeks old. No one knows how long he lived in a tiny display case on the store's sales floor, but his ...
Tucson in Arizona (United States)